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安徽省芜湖市于今年被国家发改委和国土资源部确定为深化工业用地市场化配置改革四个试点市之一,全面推进用地“双向约束”机制,开展以探索健全工业用地多途径多方式市场供应体系等为主要内容的改革试点。近年来,以《芜湖市人民政府关于加强土地节约集约利用工作的意见》为统领,相继出台了《芜湖市市区低效利用工业用地处置办法》、《芜湖市市区 This year Wuhu City, Anhui Province, was designated as one of the four pilot cities for deepening market-oriented industrialized land reform by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Land and Resources. It has also promoted the “Two-way Restraint” mechanism for land use in an all-round way, Market supply system as the main content of the reform pilot. In recent years, “People’s Government of Wuhu City, on strengthening the intensive use of land for work opinions” as a guide, have promulgated the “urban areas of Wuhu inefficient use of industrial land disposal methods”, "Wuhu City
民以食为天,食品作为人类生存的基本,一直受到国家的高度重视。自古到今,丰衣足食一直是国家和人民的理想,国家不仅通过各种方式鼓励生产,也对食品的流通和管理采取了相应措施。  周代果实未成熟严禁入市场  古代商品经济虽然不断发展进步,但食品保鲜和储存技术并不发达,大多数蔬菜、水果、生鲜受到时令和地域的限制,流通不广泛,利润也有限,因此利用食品投机牟利的案件很少。  尽管如此,考虑到食品安全关系重大,国