Using corn as the material in the sand culture experiment set 0, 1.5, 3.0, 15mmol. L-14 potassium levels were transferred into the growth chamber at the 5-leaf stages of maize for 8 days at 25 ℃ for 4 days to determine the role of potassium in plant water regulation. The results showed that under the condition of sand culture, the application of K fertilizer increased the potassium content in above-ground parts of corn and the cumulant accumulation in above-ground parts increased significantly from 1. 55mol · kg-1 of potassium deficiency treatment (0) to High potassium treatment (15mmol · L-1) of 2.04mol. kg-1, increased from 1.41mol · kg-1 to 1.83mol at low temperature. kg-1. After low temperature treatment, plant wilts appeared different degrees of wilting symptoms, but the wilting of the leaves of potassium plants significantly reduced, and the wilting rate of high potassium plants was 16.4 times lower than that of potassium treatment. Potassium application also increased the water retention capacity of plants, relative water content was improved, improve the water status of plants.