针对某倒虹吸跨河大桥抗震问题 ,对聚四氟乙烯滑板支座、铅芯—橡胶支座和液体粘滞阻尼器三种减震方案与原设计板式橡胶支座结构顺桥向减震效果进行了对比分析研究 ,提出了 k=1.5 k N/ mm、μ=0 .2 5的GZY30 0型铅芯—橡胶支座减震方案为减震结构推荐方案。该推荐结构平均地震响应比原设计降低了 5 4 .3% ,减震效果显著。采取减震措施的桥梁及其倒虹吸钢管在地震作用下相当于设计烈度降低一度。
Aiming at the seismic response of a siphon bridge across the river, three damping schemes of PTFE skateboard bearing, lead core-rubber bearing and liquid viscous damper are adopted, The comparison and analysis are carried out. It is proposed that the damping scheme of GZY30 0 lead-rubber bearing with k = 1.5 kN / mm and μ = 0.225 is the recommended scheme. The average seismic response of the proposed structure is 54.4% lower than that of the original design, and the damping effect is remarkable. The bridge and its inverted siphon pipe adopting the shock absorption measures are equivalent to a one-degree reduction in design intensity under the earthquake.