拖式冲击压实机的蓄能器与缓冲缸、举升缸、压力表、球阀和管路等组成压实机的液压系统(见附图)。该蓄能器为气液作用式结构,下腔充满油液,上腔充满氮气,具有储存能量、吸收脉动冲击的作用。拖式冲击压实机工作一段时间后,蓄能器上腔的氮气和下腔油液的压力会慢慢降低,当氮气压力低于3.5 MPa、油液压力低于4.0 MPa时,就不能起到缓冲和储存能量的作用,如果气、液压力过低,还会造成设备元件损坏。
Drag the impact compactor accumulator and buffer cylinder, lifting cylinder, pressure gauge, ball valves and piping compaction hydraulic system (see photo). The accumulator is a gas-liquid type structure, the lower chamber is filled with oil, the upper chamber is filled with nitrogen, and has the function of storing energy and absorbing pulsation impact. Drag the impact compactor working for a period of time, the upper chamber of the accumulator nitrogen and lower chamber pressure will slowly reduce the pressure, when the nitrogen pressure is lower than 3.5 MPa, the oil pressure is lower than 4.0 MPa, can not play To buffer and store energy role, if the gas, hydraulic pressure is too low, but also cause damage to equipment components.