通过田间试验 ,研究蔗作土在 p H=4 .9下 ,每公顷施用石灰 15 0 0 kg(A)、钙镁磷肥 15 0 0 kg(B)和石灰 180 0 kg+钙镁磷肥 90 0 kg (C)三个处理的效应。试验结果表明 ,三个处理均不同程度地提高了土壤 p H值 ;有效地促进甘蔗对 N、P、K,特别是 P的吸收 ;使甘蔗单株绿叶数、伸长速、茎长、茎粗、单茎重、有效茎数提高 ,而且提高了甘蔗蔗糖分 ,改善甘蔗品质 ;每公顷蔗茎产量和含糖量提高幅度分别为 8.2~ 13.0 %和 10 .2~ 2 2 .8%。B、C两个处理的促进效应较 A处理明显
A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of sugarcane on soil fertility at p H = 4.9, applying 150 kg (A) of lime, 150 kg (B) of calcium magnesium phosphate, 180 kg of lime and 90 0 kg (C) The effect of the three treatments. The results showed that all three treatments increased soil p H values to different extents, effectively promoted the absorption of N, P, K, especially P in sugarcane, increased the number of green leaves, elongation, stem length and stem The weight of crude stem, the weight of single stem and the number of effective stalks increased, but also the sugar content of sugarcane was improved and the quality of sugarcane was improved. The yield of sugarcane per hectare and the increase of sugar content were 8.2-13.0% and 10.2-2.28%, respectively. The promotion effect of B and C treatment was more obvious than that of A treatment