方式一:邮箱投稿:[email protected]方式二:在线投稿系统,请登录http://www.feedresearch.com.cn,点击首页左侧的“作者投稿”进行投稿,也可在中国知网找到《饲料研究》杂志进行投稿,新用户须先行注册方可投稿,注册时请将各项信息填写完整。投稿成功后,系统会自动发送邮件通知您稿件各阶段的进展情况,您也可以随时登录系统自助查询
Method One: E-mail Submission: [email protected] Method Two: Online submission system, please visit http://www.feedresearch.com.cn, click on the left side of the home page “author submission ” to submit, but also In China Known to find “Feed Research” magazine for submission, new users must register before submission, please register all the information to complete. Submission of success, the system will automatically send mail to inform you of the progress of the various stages of the manuscript, you can also log on self-help system at any time