给男子汉下定义特容易:高大威猛.刚强不屈.对祖国忠诚不二,对妻儿呵护备致——这一切都源于他具有强烈的责任感。汉末群雄蜂起,天下大乱,诗人陈琳在他的《饮马长城窟行》中放歌“男儿宁当格斗死,何能怫郁筑长城?”宋代女词人李清照则吟道“生当做人杰.死亦为鬼雄”。 可惜,由于种种原因,原因种种,时下许多号称男儿的男儿,雌化严重。要么大搞同性恋,要么无病呻吟,要么假深沉,要么偷鸡摸狗……一旦四夷交侵,唉.一准儿是”闻鸣镝而股战,对穹庐以屈膝”。
To men under the definition of special easy: tall and mighty. Unyielding. Loyal to the motherland, care for his wife and children - all from his strong sense of responsibility. In the late Han Dynasty, when the bees began to swarm, the world’s chaos, the poet Chen Lin in his “Great Wall of Drinking Horse line” in the song, “the boys rather fighting dead, why can I build the Great Wall?” Qing Dynasty female idol Li Qingzhao is " Death is also a ghost male. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, all kinds of reasons, nowadays many men known as men, feminine serious. Either gay homosexuality, or moan groan, or fake deep, or steal the chicken touch the dog ... ... once the Saiyi invasion, alas.