我们的试车工作还没有结束,但太阳马上就要落山,一旦落日的余晖从地平线消失,照相机将会一无是处。而且,我们今晚的落脚点Gairloch距离我们还有近90km的路程。沿着Applecross半岛的海岸线返回,我们不惜多开几公里去追随那最后一丝在海面上即将褪去的光影。我选择了本田思域Type R,它的造型不符合所有人的口味,但是却有着独特而鲜明的性格,这是它与这次测试的那些令人最向往的车型的共同特点。沿着半岛的路大部分是单车道,但在这昏暗的半小时经常有反向的汽车开过。我将228kW的本田调到“+R”模式,开了15s又换了回去。这个模式只是去掉了减震器所有柔顺的反应,只剩下僵硬的弹跳。保持在默认设置,思域的减震器表现是
Our test work is not over, but the sun is about to fall, and the camera will do nothing if the afterglow of the sunset disappears from the horizon. And we are still nearing 90km away from Gairloch tonight. Returning along the shores of the Applecross Peninsula, we spared no more than a few kilometers to follow the light and shadow of the last hint of fading on the sea. I chose the Honda Civic Type R, a model that does not fit everyone’s tastes but has a distinctive and distinctive character that is common to the most sought-after models of the test. Most of the road along the peninsula is a single lane, but in the dark half an hour there are often opposite cars drove. I will 228kW Honda transferred to the “+ R” mode, opened 15s and changed back. This mode just removes all the supple reaction of the shock absorber, leaving only a stiff bounce. Keeping the default setting, Civic’s shock absorber performance is