研究人员发现,某些在行为和态度上敌视程度越强的人,其心脏动脉中钙沉积的程度就会越严重。科学家相信,钙沉积是动脉粥样硬化的早期信号,它能诱发和导致高血压及心脏病的发生。 研究人员曾对18~30岁之间的376名男女受试者做过试验。根据对受试人员敌视程度的评估,他们被分成了两个小组。通过对紧张环境的应答反应试验,一些对这个世界持有玩世不恭态度,且具有进攻倾向的人均被视为怀有敌意的人。 在试验中发现,敌视感很强的受试者,其心脏钙沉积的发生概率比敌视感不强的
Researchers have found that some people who are more hostile in behavior and attitude have more severe calcium deposits in their heart arteries. Scientists believe that calcium deposition is an early sign of atherosclerosis, which can induce and cause high blood pressure and heart disease. Researchers have tested 376 men and women between 18 and 30 years of age. Based on an assessment of the hostility of the subjects, they were divided into two groups. Through tests of responses to the stressful environment, some who hold cynicism in this world and have an offensive tendency are considered hostile. In the experiment found that subjects with a strong sense of hostility, the incidence of calcium deposition in the heart than hostility is not strong