一、高血压病分期一期: 1.舒张压大部分时间波动于90~100毫米汞柱之间,休息后可降至正常。 2.无脑、心、肾或眼底器质性损伤。二期:符合下列情况之一者: 1.舒张压一般持续超过100毫米汞柱,休息后不能降至正常,并合并脑、心、肾或眼底轻度损伤中的一项或一项以上。
First, the stage of hypertension stage: 1. Most of the diastolic blood pressure fluctuations between 90 to 100 mm Hg, after rest can be reduced to normal. 2. No brain, heart, kidney or fundus organic damage. Phase II: Meet one of the following conditions: 1. Diastolic blood pressure generally lasts in excess of 100 mmHg, after the break can not be reduced to normal, and merged with mild brain, heart, kidney or fundus lesions one or more.