暑期旅游热潮和“小候鸟”迁徙使铁路客流持续增加,尤其是在开往浙江、福建和广东方向的列车上,每趟车10岁以下的儿童乘客都超过200人。为了使“小候鸟”们在列车上拥有一个平安愉快的旅途,郑州客运段在该段各次列车上开展了“关爱‘小候鸟’,平安快乐行”主题活动。由于出行的“小候鸟”们大部分都是第一次乘坐火车,再加上活泼好动,不仅有可能影响周围旅客休息,在车厢里跑动玩耍,也很有可能造成摔伤或碰伤。针对儿童旅客的特殊性,职工们高度重视,在旅途中严格执行各项标准化作业,为带小孩的家长介绍安全乘车注意事项,卡控安全关键环节,保持车厢温度和良好的卫生环境,时刻服务在“小候鸟”们的身边。为丰富孩子们的旅途生活,广特二组的职工们还自发从家里带来漫画书、故事书、跳棋和小玩具,免费提供给乘车的儿童,尽量在有限的条件下满足儿童的需求。(来源/张德洪 史文慧)
At five thirty in the afternoon on July 30, in 2nd carriage of T255 train from Zhengzhou to Guangzhou, where was holding"Super Baby" contest, underring the careful organization by train conductor Shenpeng and the crew members, the children turned to dance and sing, the whole carriage seemed to have become a joy children’s theater.Summer tourist boom and children migration of the railway passenger traffic continues to increase, especially in the direction of the train bound for Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong, the 10-year-old children in every train are more than 200 people, in order to make children spend a safe and pleasant journey in the train, Zhengzhou passenger section carried out the theme of"Caring for migratory birds, peace and joy activities "in the train.
暑期旅游热潮和“小候鸟”迁徙使铁路客流持续增加,尤其是在开往浙江、福建和广东方向的列车上,每趟车10岁以下的儿童乘客都超过200人。为了使“小候鸟”们在列车上拥有一个平安愉快的旅途,郑州客运段在该段各次列车上开展了“关爱‘小候鸟’,平安快乐行”主题活动。由于出行的“小候鸟”们大部分都是第一次乘坐火车,再加上活泼好动,不仅有可能影响周围旅客休息,在车厢里跑动玩耍,也很有可能造成摔伤或碰伤。针对儿童旅客的特殊性,职工们高度重视,在旅途中严格执行各项标准化作业,为带小孩的家长介绍安全乘车注意事项,卡控安全关键环节,保持车厢温度和良好的卫生环境,时刻服务在“小候鸟”们的身边。为丰富孩子们的旅途生活,广特二组的职工们还自发从家里带来漫画书、故事书、跳棋和小玩具,免费提供给乘车的儿童,尽量在有限的条件下满足儿童的需求。(来源/张德洪 史文慧)
At five thirty in the afternoon on July 30, in 2nd carriage of T255 train from Zhengzhou to Guangzhou, where was holding"Super Baby" contest, underring the careful organization by train conductor Shenpeng and the crew members, the children turned to dance and sing, the whole carriage seemed to have become a joy children’s theater.Summer tourist boom and children migration of the railway passenger traffic continues to increase, especially in the direction of the train bound for Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong, the 10-year-old children in every train are more than 200 people, in order to make children spend a safe and pleasant journey in the train, Zhengzhou passenger section carried out the theme of"Caring for migratory birds, peace and joy activities "in the train.