兵器工业引信专业标准化技术委员会1999年年会于1999年10月17~18日在北海召开,会议首先由兵标委秘书长总结了兵标委1999年度工作,随后审查了部标准《引信传、导爆管装药和药柱、药块压制通用规范》,讨论了兵标委2000年工作计划。《引信传、导爆管装药和药柱、药块压制通用规范》修订后代替了 WJ 85—73《药柱引信传爆管和药块压制与验收技术条件》。对保证引信传爆管、导爆管和药块、药柱的质量水平有一定的指导意义,建议主管部门尽快审批,颁布实施。
The annual meeting of the Fuzhou Industrial Standardization Technical Committee on Fuze Industry was held in the Beihai from October 17th to 18th, 1999. The meeting was first concluded by the Secretary-General of the Bureau of Standards and Military Affairs and reviewed the work of the CPB in 1999, and then reviewed the Ministry of Standards, Fuze, The general specification of explosive detonation tube charge and column and drug block repression discussed the 2000 working plan of the SAS. The “General Rules for Fuze Transmission, Explosive Detonation Tube Charges, and Drug Columns, Drug Block Repression” has been replaced by WJ 85-73 “Technical Conditions for the Compression and Acceptance of Drug Booster Tubes and Drug Blocks”. It has certain guiding significance for ensuring the quality level of the fuse booster, detonating tube, medicine block, and drug column, and it is recommended that the competent authority approve and issue it as soon as possible.