PYP(Primary Year Program幼小课程)旨在培养有质疑能力,有知识并且懂得关爱的年轻人,通过跨文化理解和尊重去创造美好、和平的世界。作为英语教师,我们深知“外语教学的任务就是培养高素质、有着深厚文化修养的外语人才。因此注重跨文化教育,培养学生跨文化交际意识与能力,能增强不同文化的认同感,促进不同语言、文化间的交流和沟通,从而使学生在实际交流中具备多元文化的包容性,达
The PYP (Young Curriculum for Junior Year Program) aims to foster young people who are questionable, knowledgeable, and caring, and create a beautiful and peaceful world through cross-cultural understanding and respect. As an English teacher, we know very well that ”the task of foreign language teaching is to cultivate high-caliber foreign language talents with profound cultural accomplishments. Therefore, focusing on intercultural education and cultivating students’ awareness and ability of intercultural communication can enhance the recognition of different cultures and promote Different languages, intercultural communication and communication, so that students in the actual exchange with multi-cultural inclusive, up to