男性低促性腺激素性性腺功能减退症是下丘脑或垂体病变引起睾丸功能低下的一类疾病。雄激素替代治疗可维持男性第二性征和性功能。对于有生育需求的患者,补充促性腺激素可使部分患者睾丸体积增大、精子产生或达到正常,甚至妻子妊娠。初始睾丸体积较大、有促性腺激素治疗史、inhibin B>60 ng/L是提示促性腺激素疗效较好的因素。有隐睾或睾酮治疗史、KAL1基因突变患者促性腺激素治疗效果欠佳。
Hypogonadal hypogonadism in men is a type of disease in which hypothalamic or pituitary lesions cause testicular dysfunction. Androgen replacement therapy can maintain male second sexual characteristics and sexual function. For patients with reproductive needs, gonadotropin supplement can make some patients increased testicular volume, sperm production or reach normal, and even his wife’s pregnancy. The initial testicular volume is larger, gonadotropin treatment history, inhibin B> 60 ng / L is a good indicator of the effect of gonadotropin. A history of cryptorchidism or testosterone treatment, KAL1 mutations in patients with gonadotropin treatment ineffective.