First, the gestational hematology physiological changes during pregnancy, due to an increase in plasma volume earlier than and beyond the increase in erythrocyte volume, therefore, the pregnancy blood appeared a certain dilution. This phenomenon began in the third month of pregnancy, more obvious in the first 5 to 8 months, then gradually reduced. Although this phenomenon reduces the viscosity of the blood, reducing the possibility of thrombosis, but decreased hematocrit, known as physiological pregnancy anemia, the measured value of hemoglobin is still above 10g / d1. During pregnancy, a small number of pregnant women slightly increased white blood cell count, visible in the peripheral blood of young and late promyelocytic. With the gradual close to childbirth, the percentage of neutrophils increased gradually, and the number of leucocytes during labor increased significantly, up to 34 × 10 ~ 9/1.