
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cppgreate
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Characterizing the complex two-phase hydrodynamics in structured packed columns requires a powerful modeling tool.The traditional two-dimensional model exhibits limitations when one attempts to model the detailed two-phase flow inside the columns.The present paper presents a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics(CFD) model to simulate the two-phase flow in a representative unit of the column.The unit consists of an entire corrugation channel and describes well the real liquid flow conditions.The detailed unsteady two-phase 3D CFD calculations on column packed with Flexipak 1Y were implemented within the volume of fluid(VOF) mathematical framework.The CFD model was validated by comparing the calculated thickness of liquid film with the available experimental data.Special attention was given to quantitative analysis of the effects of gravity on the hydrodynamics.Fluctuations in the liquid mass flow rate and the calculated pressure drop loss were found to be qualitatively in agreement with the experimental observations. Characterizing the complex two-phase hydrodynamics in structured packed columns requires a powerful modeling tool. The traditional two-dimensional model exhibits limitations when one attempts to model the detailed two-phase flow inside the columns. The present paper presents a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model to simulate the two-phase flow in a representative unit of the column. The unit consists of an entire corrugation channel and describes the real liquid flow conditions. detailed unsteady two-phase 3D CFD calculations on column packed with Flexipak 1Y were implemented within the volume of fluid (VOF) mathematical framework. CFD model was validated by comparing the calculated thickness of liquid film with the available experimental data. Special attention was given to quantitative analysis of the effects of gravity on the hydrodynamics. Fluctuations in the liquid mass flow rate and the calculated pressure drop loss were found to be qualitatively in agre ement with the experimental observations.
萨仁高娃是小有名气的蒙古族女中音歌唱家,多次参加央视文艺汇演。萨仁高娃是孤儿,靠民政部门的资助完成了大学学业,十多年来,她与丈夫胡布日额免费为350个孩子提供吃住,义务教授声乐,将他们一一培养成才。虽然萨仁高娃永远失去了做妈妈的权利,但350个学生就是她和丈夫的儿女。她与胡布日额的婚姻,悲壮、传奇、荡气回肠……  爱情山茶花盛开在18年后  2007年5月,萨仁高娃回家乡内蒙古乌兰察布换二代身份证
 文矩是SU N公司中国区市场总监,这天是星期六,文先生匆匆赶往港澳中心去参加朋友的生日派对。 这时,同事的电话打来,远在美国的SUN公司总部通过公司内部网发来一份紧急邮件需要文先生
杨秀山(1914-) 杨秀山,原名杨木森,1914年8月出生于湖北省沔阳县(今洪湖市)峰口镇万宝村一个雇农家庭。1929年5月参加中国共产主义青年团。1930年5月,参加中国工农红军第六军,任战士、班长。1934年4月,任红七师
冯星君,赛贝斯软件(中国)有限公司总裁,幽默风趣的他在工作中总是西装革履。周五下午,DANNY(冯的英文名)从机场一出来,坐上自己的宝马车就开始拿着装有SYABSE ASA(Adaptive  ServerAnywhere)软件的掌上电脑,查收E-MAIL Feng Xingj
中宣部、新闻出版署委托中国出版工作者协会评选的第三届“全国百佳出版工作者”于 2 0 0 0年底揭晓 ,中国人文社科学报学会前理事长、现任顾问潘国琪 ,学会前副理事长、现任