Estimation of demand for wood panels in Iran by the year of 2012

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pentagon888
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Considering increasing rate of Iran population and consumption of wood panels, the authors investigated the per capita consumption of wood panels during the years from 1997 to 2007.The exponential smoothing method was used to obtain a per capita consumption pattern of wood panels in Iran for estimating demand of wood panels by the year of 2012.Results show that the consumption of particleboard, fiberboard, and medium density fiberboard in Iran will increase by 33%, 72% and 107 %, respectively, by the year of 2012;however, the consumption of plywood will increase only by 7% by 2012.The deficient amount of wood panels in Iran is estimated over 1400 000 m3.The results of this study provide the technique reference for planners of wood panel industries in Iran in capital investment decisions. Considering increasing rate of Iran population and consumption of wood panels, the authors investigated the per capita consumption of wood panels during the years from 1997 to 2007. The exponential smoothing method was used to obtain a per capita consumption pattern of wood panels in Iran for estimating demand of wood panels by the year of 2012. Results show that the consumption of particleboard, fiberboard, and medium density fiberboard in Iran will increase by 33%, 72% and 107%, respectively, by the year of 2012; however, the consumption of plywood will increase only by 7% by 2012.The deficient amount of wood panels in Iran is estimated over 1400000 m3. The results of this study provide the technique reference for planners of wood panel industries in Iran in capital investment decisions.
5日 全国铁路企业经营管理工作现场会于本月2日在大连市闭幕。会上确定了牡丹江、吉林、大同、青岛、福州、重庆、武汉、西宁、乌鲁木齐铁路分局和羊城铁路总公司等10个单位
怎样救活长期亏损的县级客运企业?吉林省梨树县客运公司将36辆客车拍卖给职工,在产权制度改革方面进行了尝试。笔者对这项工作进行了认真的调查。 一、拍卖客车的起因 梨树
春节前夕,本刊主编余廉和记者张志华赴中交企协向郑光迪会长、孙荣兴秘书长汇报了杂志社1996年几项大的工作计划,并请两位领导介绍一下中交企协今年工作的重点。 中交企协领