
来源 :家庭医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gigitsang
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马齿苋是人们喜食的一种野生蔬菜。每100克可食部分中含有水分92克、蛋白质0.5克、脂肪2.3克、糖类3克、粗纤维0.7克、钙85毫克、磷56毫克、铁1.5毫克、胡萝卜素2.23毫克、维生素B_10.03毫克、维生素B_20.11毫克、尼克酸0.7毫克、维生素C23毫克,还含有甲基肾上腺素、谷氨酸、丙氨酸、天冬氨酸等,以及苹果酸、柠檬酸等有机酸。经常食用马齿苋不仅可补充营养成分,而且没有增高胆固醇之忧。马齿苋食用方法有两种,一是鲜食,应先洗净再用并水焯一下,可炒食,也可做馅包包子吃,味道鲜美。二是干制,将焯后的马齿苋晒干,吃时泡 Portulaca oleracea is a kind of wild vegetable that people like to eat. Each edible portion of 100 grams contains 92 grams of water, 0.5 grams of protein, 2.3 grams of fat, 3 grams of carbohydrates, 0.7 grams of crude fiber, 85 mg of calcium, 56 mg of phosphorus, 1.5 mg of iron, 2.23 mg of carotene, and vitamin B_10. 03 mg, vitamin B_20.11 mg, niacin 0.7 mg, vitamin C23 mg, also contains methyl epinephrine, glutamic acid, alanine, aspartic acid and so on, and malic acid, citric acid and other organic acids. Regular consumption of purslane can not only supplement nutrients, but did not increase the worry of cholesterol. There are two ways purslane edible, one fresh food, should be washed and then boiled water for some, can be fried, but also can be made stuffing buns to eat, delicious. Second, dry, the purslane purslane dried, eat when the bubble
按照传统说法,体弱多病者,或者老年人,应当少吃多餐。其根据是每餐少吃一点,可以减少消化系统的负荷。而多餐则可保证人体必需的营养。因此,少吃多餐的说法便成了定论。 事
  Aim: To analysize the level of TNF-α, IL-4, IL-5, TGF and IFN-γin acute optic neuritis patients.Methods: All patients were assigned to four groups, contro
严寒冬季进行冷水浴锻炼,被誉为是勇敢者的运动,对强身祛病砺志都有积极良好的作用。但是有些人认为:在严寒冬季进行冷水 Cold winter cold water bath exercise, known as