Correlations between the Optical Properties and the Microstructure of TiO2 Thin Films Prepared by Re

来源 :武汉理工大学学报(材料科学版)英 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoniaohk
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High refractive index TiO2 thin films were deposited on BK7 glass by reactive electron - beam(REB) evaporation at pressure of 2 × 10- 2 Pa, deposition rate of 0.2nm/s and at various substrate temperaturesfrom 120℃ to 300℃ . The refractive index and the thickness of the films were measured by visible spectroscopic el-lipsometry (SE) and determined from transmission spectra. Optical properties and structure features were charac-terized by UV - VIS, SEM and XRD, respectively. The measurement and analysis on transmission spectra of allsamples shaw that with the substrate temperature increasing from 120℃ to 300℃ , the refractive indices of thinfilms increase from 1.7 to 2.1 and the films after heat treatment have higher refractive indices due to its crystalliz-ing. The XRD analysis results indicate that the structure of TiO2 thin films deposited on BK7 glass at substratetemperatures of 120℃ ,200℃ and 300℃ is amorphous, after post-annealing under air condition at 400℃ for 1hour, the amorphous structure is crystallized, the crystal phase is of 100% anatase with strong preferred orientation(004) and the grain size of crystalline is within 3.6-8.1 nm, which is consistent with results from SEM observation.
G20杭州峰会期间,杭州地标景点之一的武林广场上演了亚洲最大的裸眼3D灯光秀。32台20,000流明松下PTSDZ21K2C三芯片DLP工程投影机将内容投射在浙江展览馆3,400平方米的南墙上,投影面积相当于10个标准IMAX荧幕,令国内外观众叹为观止。  有内涵的灯光秀  该灯光秀长达11分钟,主题为《天堂杭州》,画面布置分为溪、河、江、湖、海几个部分,以山水之美,反映杭州八千年的文明史以及五千
目的探讨家兔肝纤维化制备过程中CT灌注参数评价肝功能储备的价值。方法新西兰大白兔48只,雌雄不限,3~4个月龄,体重2.5~3.0 kg,采用四氯化碳复合因素法造模,于造模的0、4、8、12、16、20周随机取8只兔检测肝功能生化指标,行CT灌注成像及吲哚氰绿排泄试验(R15ICG)、肝组织病理检查。统计学分析不同病理级别下肝功能生化指标、CT灌注参数与R15ICG的相关性。结果(1)实验兔死亡5
《InfoAV China》:东方佳联提供的产品在此次G20峰会中有哪些方面应用?rn王冷霜:东方佳联为杭州峰会提供了约50套Q-SYS网络音频处理系统和150台SVSI高清网络视频编解码设备;