茄子黄萎病,又叫凋萎病、半边疯,是由真菌侵染引起的一种茄子毁灭性病害。此病多在根茄坐果后表现症状。症状一般是自下而上,或者从一侧枝条叶片开始发生,逐渐向全株扩展。除选用抗病品种和加强栽培管理外,还应用以下药剂进行防治。 1.定植后用50%多菌灵可湿性粉剂500~1000倍液灌根,每株灌药液量250~300克,有较好的防治效果。 2.在发病初期,用15%庄园乐水剂,每50克加水15~20公斤进行喷灌,3~5天1次,连喷2~3次。同时结合叶面喷施小叶敌
Eggplant Verticillium wilt, also known as wilt disease, half crazy, is a devastating disease of eggplant caused by fungal infection. The disease is more symptoms in the fruit rooted fruit. Symptoms are usually from the bottom up, or from the side of the leaves began to shoot, and gradually extended to the whole plant. In addition to the selection of resistant varieties and strengthen the cultivation and management, but also the following agents for prevention and treatment. 1. After planting with 50% carbendazim WP 500 ~ 1000 times irrigation, each irrigation liquid dosage 250 ~ 300 grams, have a better control effect. 2. In the early stages of the disease, with 15% manor Le aqua, add water 15 ~ 20 kg per 50 grams sprinkler irrigation, 3 to 5 days 1, and even spray 2 or 3 times. At the same time with the foliar spray leaflet enemy