水温最高的海》》红海位于非洲东北部与阿拉伯半岛之间, 形状狭长,从西北到东南长1 900公里以上,最大宽度306公里,面积约45万平方公里。红海北端分叉形成两个小海湾,西为苏伊士湾,通过苏伊士运河与地中海相连;东为亚喀巴湾。在2千万年前,非洲大陆与阿拉伯半岛就已开始分离,目前还在以每年1厘米的速度继续分离。整个红海平均深度为558米,最大深度为2514米。红海受东西两侧热带沙漠夹峙,常年空气闷热,尘埃弥漫, 降水量少,蒸发量却很高,是世界上水温和含盐量最高的海域之一。在8月份其表层水温平均为27至32摄氏度。
“The Sea with the Highest Water Temperature” The Red Sea is located between the northeastern part of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. It is narrow in shape and is more than 1,900 kilometers long from northwest to southeast, with a maximum width of 306 kilometers and an area of about 450,000 square kilometers. The northern part of the Red Sea bifurcates into two small bays, with the Gulf of Suez in the west and the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal; and the Gulf of Aqaba in the east. Twenty million years ago, the African continent and the Arabian Peninsula began to separate and is currently still separating at a rate of 1 cm per year. The average depth of the entire Red Sea is 558 meters and the maximum depth is 2514 meters. The Red Sea is surrounded by tropical deserts on both sides of the east and west. The air is hot all year round, dust is diffuse, precipitation is small, and evaporation is very high. It is one of the world’s highest water temperature and salt content. In August, the surface water temperature averaged 27 to 32 degrees Celsius.