来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzssxxzzssxx
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Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of CT in differentiating adrenal adenomas from malignant tumors. Methods: 124 patients with 147 adrenal adenomas and malignant tumors were analyzed. Tumor size, margin, internal structure and the relation of the tumor to the adrenal gland were investigated with CT. Both precontrast and postcontrast CT attenuation values of the tumor were measured and the enhanced degree was calculated respectively. CT pixel mapping of the tumor was done in 20 patients. Results were analyzed by using ROC curve. Results: The area under the ROC curve for precontrast CT attenuation values (0.91(0.05) was significantly larger than that for postcontrast CT attenuation values (0.83(0.04), enhanced degree (0.74(0.08) or tumor sizes (0.82(0.04). With a threshold of tumor size(3.0 cm, homogenous density, precontrast CT attenuation value(20 HU, postcontrast CT attenuation value(35 HU or enhanced degree(20 HU, the sensitive for characterizing adenomas were 86%, 85%, 88%, 76% and 74%, and the specificity were 73%, 72%, 91%, 78% and 61% respectively. Connection with normal adrenal gland (68%), precontrast CT attenuation value<0 HU (17%), and area of slightly negative CT attenuation value on CT pixel mapping were only seen in adrenal adenomas, whereas poorly defined margin and/or invasion of surrounding structures (30%), irregular thick rim enhancement (22%) were characteristic of malignant tumors. The overall correspondence rate with final diagnosis was 92.7% in our group. Conclusion: Most of the adrenal adenomas and malignant tumors can be distinguished by comprehensive analysis of CT features. Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of CT in differentiating adrenal adenomas from malignant tumors. Methods: 124 patients with 147 adrenal adenomas and malignant tumors were analyzed. Tumor size, margin, internal structure and the relation of the tumor to the adrenal gland was were investigated. With CT. Both precontrast and postcontrast CT attenuation values ​​of the tumor were measured and the enhanced degree was calculated respectively. CT pixel mapping of the tumor was done in 20 patients. Results were analyzed by using ROC curve. Results: The area under the ROC. Curve for precontrast CT attenuation values ​​(0.91(0.05) was significantly greater than that for postcontrast CT attenuation values ​​(0.83(0.04), enhanced degree (0.74(0.08) or tumor sizes (0.82(0.04). With a threshold of tumor size ( 3.0 cm, homogenous density, precontrast CT attenuation value(20 HU, postcontrast CT attenuation value(35 HU or enhanced degree(20 HU, the sensitive for characterizing adenomas were 86%, 85%, 88%, 76% and 74%, and the specificity were 73%, 72%, 91%, 78% and 61% respectively. Connection with normal adrenal gland (68%), precontrast CT attenuation value<0 HU (17%) , and area of ​​due negative CT attenuated value on CT mapping value were only seen in adrenal adenomas, poorly defined margin and/or invasion of behind structures (30%), irregular thick rim enhancement (22%) were characteristic of malignant tumors. The overall correspondence rate with final diagnosis was 92.7% in our group. Conclusion: Most of the adrenal adenomas and malignant tumors can be distinguished by comprehensive analysis of CT features.
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设计意图   写信,是人们用文字交流信息、联络感情、互通友谊的一种方式。孩子对成人的写信活动充满了好奇心。然而,由于幼儿不会写字,他们便非常喜欢用独特的方式来表达自己
安徽省合肥市庐阳区亳州路小学从培养学生的综合素质入手,在注重课堂教学质量的同时,通过开展课外阅读、义务劳 Luzhou District, Hefei, Anhui Bozhou Road Primary School
摘 要:人力资源作为行业的关键发展因素作用于任何事业,随着国家经济的多元发展和对环境事业的重视,林业经济的人力资源面临着若干具特殊问题。本文从林业经济人力资源管理的作用于现实情况出发,提出针对行业发展的若干措施,旨在抛砖引玉,与有识之士共同探索林业经济产业发展新路径。  关键词:林业资源;作用;问题;措施  引言  目前,我国经济发展进入特殊时期,社会意识形态各个板块的深刻变革作用到各个产业领域。
三岁的孩子即将入园上小班了,很多家长就在心里嘀咕起来:是不是该给孩子买点拼音、算术方面的书看看?是不是该给孩子买架钢琴、小提琴,让他将来考个十级八级的? Three-year