据古代中国史籍记载,当匈奴冒顿单于兴盛之际,曾进犯匈奴以东诸部.这些部落就是“东胡”,即“东方野人”之意。冒顿获全胜,东胡随之灭亡.部分东胡人臣服于征服者,而大部逃往后贝加尔地区,并游牧于鄂嫩河、克鲁伦河、额尔古纳河河谷及毗邻地区.这些迁徙者的历史命运后来同后贝加尔和北蒙地区是密不可分的。正是他们成了后来北蒙古诸部的骨干. 公元初数世纪,中国编年史家把东胡的直系后裔称为乌桓和鲜卑.乌桓和与它北部毗连的部分鲜卑人组成了南部群体.与匈奴人战后,该群体占据
According to the ancient Chinese historical records, when the Huntsman attacked Gordon only on the occasion of its rise, he attacked the eastern areas of the Huns. These tribes are the “East Hu” or “Eastern Savage.” After the victory was over, East Hu died along with some of the East Hu men surrendering to the conquistadors, while most of them fled to the post-Baikal region and nomadic herded in the Elnen, Krulung, Erguna rivers and adjacent areas. The historical destiny of these migrants was later inseparable from the Baikal and North Mongolian regions. It was they who later became the backbone of the northern parts of Mongolia, and in the early centuries AD, Chinese chroniclers referred to the immediate descendants of East Hu as Wuhuan and Xianbei, and Wuhuan and parts of the Xianbei people bordering on the north formed a southern group. With the Huns after the war, the group occupy