7月15日,国家食品药品监督管理总局在其网站上发布《关于加强含何首乌保健食品监管有关规定的通知》,下调保健食品中的何首乌规定用量,规定保健食品中生何首乌每日用量不得超过1.5 g,制何首乌每日用量不得超过3.0 g。《通知》明确,保健功能包括“对化学性肝损伤有辅助保护功能”的含何首乌的保健食品,应取消该保健功能或在配方中去除何首乌。何首乌作为一种常用补益药物,历来为医家、饮食家所推崇。
July 15, the State Food and Drug Administration announced on its website “on the regulation of the content of Polygonum multiflorum health food regulatory requirements,” the regulation of health food, Polygonum multiflorum prescription requirements, provisions of health food raw Polygonum daily should not exceed 1.5 g, made of Polygonum daily dosage of not more than 3.0 g. “Notice” clear, health care functions include “chemical protection of liver injury have auxiliary protection function ” Polygonum health food, the health function should be canceled or in the formula to remove Polygonum. Polygonum multiflorum as a commonly used tonic drugs, has always been highly praised by physicians, diets.