在巴拿马的皮纳斯海湾,世界 级的“热带明星旅舍”,我们 正在进行为期5天的为“深海电视 台”拍摄基·哈维先生的垂钓专辑 片,现在进入了第四天。疲惫不堪 和日光灼伤主宰着我的感觉。我们 来到这里,拍摄该片的两集,希望 能够拍到旗鱼中最庞大的一族,力 大无穷的黑皮旗鱼的一些镜头。 正如在“热带明星旅舍”过往 一样,早上5点钟叫我们起床的敲 门声准时笃笃响起。5点半钟,所 有33位客人都起来了。我们吃了 一顿丰盛的早餐,并在6点钟前登 上“勃特兰姆31型”钓船。由于 在“热带明星”准备的钓船都是这
At the world-class Tropical Star Hostels in the Gulf of Pithas, Panama, we are now on the fourth day of a five-day fishing film filmed by Mr. Harvey for Deep Sea. Exhausted and sunburn dominate my feelings. We came here to shoot two episodes of the film, hoping to get some shots of the biggest clam in the world, the mighty Blackfish. Just as in the “Tropical Star Hostel,” the knock on the door at 5am in the morning calls us to tout on time. At half past five, all 33 guests are up. We had a hearty breakfast and boarded the “Bertram 31” fishing boat before 6 o’clock. This is because of the fishing boats prepared for the “tropical star.”