一次里程碑式的改革 我们今天所看到的《华尔街日报》头版的定位与风格是在20世纪40年代确立的,30年代初,美国经济大萧条,作为财经类报纸的《华尔街日报》也备受打击,发行量由56750份降至1936年的12000份。报纸内容平淡死板,充斥枯涩的统计数字和单调的个股评价。编辑缺乏创造力,记者不讲究写作技巧。 1943年,《华尔街日报》历史上一位划时代的人物——总编辑巴尼·基尔戈尔进行了一次具有里程碑式
A landmark reform We have seen today, “The Wall Street Journal,” the front page of the positioning and style was established in the 1940s, the early 1930s, the United States economic depression, as the financial newspaper << Wall Street Journal >> also prepared Affected, the circulation dropped from 56,750 to 12,000 in 1936. The contents of newspapers are plain and dull, full of withered statistics and monotonous stocks evaluation. Editor lack of creativity, the reporter does not pay attention to writing skills. In 1943, an epoch-making figure in The Wall Street Journal’s history, editor-in-chief Barney Kilgore, made a landmark