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工业化是人类社会发展中经济结构演进的一个阶段,伴随工业化的进程,工业基地先后在欧美国家崛起。英国的曼彻斯特、德国的鲁尔、美国的匹兹堡、俄国的乌拉尔都曾名噪一时。在这些基地里聚集了巨大的工业力量和社会财富,为本国的工业化和现代化作出了重大贡献。由于科技进步、市场变化、资源枯竭等多种因素,这些工业基地都经历过一个从开发期、鼎盛期、衰退期到振兴期的演变过程。老工业基地的调整和改造,是世界上发达国家都经历过、现在仍在经历着的重要课题。中国工业基地的形成和振兴与那些发达国家相比,在政府环境方面存在着许多差异,但他们实践所取得的经验教训、比较成功的做法值仍得我们借鉴。 Industrialization is a stage in the evolution of the economic structure in the development of human society. Along with the industrialization process, the industrial base has risen in Europe and the United States. Manchester United in England, Ruhr in Germany, Pittsburgh in the United States, and Ural in Russia all made famous debates. In these bases, huge industrial forces and social wealth have been gathered, making a significant contribution to the industrialization and modernization of their own country. Due to technological progress, market changes, depletion of resources and other factors, these industrial bases have undergone an evolution from the development phase, the peak phase, the recession phase to the revitalization phase. The adjustment and reform of the old industrial bases are the important topics that the developed countries in the world have experienced and are still experiencing. The formation and rejuvenation of China’s industrial base Compared with those developed countries, there are many differences in the environment of the government. However, the lessons they have learned from practice and the comparatively successful practices still require our reference.