紫外辐射(UV-B)对人类健康、水域和陆地生态系统都存在不同程度的影响.综合论述了近年来有关陆地植物对UV-B辐射响应的研究成果及进展,包括植被外部形态、光合作用和光合色素以及UV-B吸收物质等胁迫响应特征变化.另外,对植被在生态系统尺度上对UV-B辐射增强的响应以及UV-B与其它环境与生物因子间的交互效应也进行了阐述.文献分析表明,约2/3的陆地植被对UV-B辐射增强的响应表现显著,虽然存在种间和亚种间的差异,但多数的研究显示UV-B辐射增强对陆地植被生长和发展存在不利影响.最后指出如何采取措施降低UV-B辐射增强对陆地植被影响,特别是对经济作物的影响将是未来一个重要的研究课题.“,”This review describes the effects of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation on plant growth and development, photosynthesis and photo-synthetic pigments and UV-B absorbing compounds. Moreover, plant ecosystem level responses to elevated UV-B radiation and interactions of UV-B radiation with abiotic and biotic factors were also involved. Results collected in this review suggest that approximately two-thirds terrestrial plant species are significantly affected by increase in UV-B radiation. The majority of evidences indicate that elevated UV-B ra-diation is usually detrimental but there exists tremendous variability in the sensitivity of species to UV-B radiation, and sensitivity also dif-fers among cultivars of the same species.