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一、后拟提纲,先放后收.按常规是先拟提纲后作文、后拟提纲是反其道而行之.每篇作文分两次完成.第一次主要是做放胆作文.教师只作必要的辅导.这样,学生的思维可以任意驰骋,生活中的素材可以任意撷取,写作知识可以任意运用.作文作好后,教师只作字、词、句、标点方面的批改.第二次主要是拟提纲,修改提高.分四步进行:第一步让学生拟出自己作文的提纲.第二步启发学生思考.(1)选材是否恰当,需要作哪些必要的增删?(2)详略是否得当,重点段写具体了没有?(3)材料安排是否精巧,该怎样调整?(4)中心是否突出,如何点题?第三步让学生修改提纲,教师收阅评改提纲.第四步让学生按修改后的提纲修改作文.用这种方法教学,学生可以充分认识自己作文的不足之处,提高布局谋篇自改作文的能力. I. After the outline, first put after the income. According to the convention is to first outline the composition of the composition, after the outline is to go against it. Each essay is completed in two parts. The first time is mainly to do courage to write. Teachers only To provide necessary guidance. In this way, the student’s thinking can be arbitrarily smooth, the material in life can be arbitrarily drawn, and the writing knowledge can be used arbitrarily. After the composition is completed, the teacher only makes corrections in terms of words, words, sentences, and punctuation. The second one is mainly to outline and improve. It is divided into four steps: The first step is for students to formulate outlines for their own writing. The second step is to inspire students to think. (1) Is the material appropriate and what are the necessary additions and deletions? (2) Whether the detail is appropriate or not, what is the key segment written specifically? (3) Is the material arrangement exquisite and how should it be adjusted? (4) Is the center outstanding and how do you point out questions? The third step is to ask the students to modify the outline, and the teacher to review the outline. Steps allow students to modify the composition according to the revised outline. Using this method of teaching, students can fully understand the deficiencies of their composition, and improve their ability to make arrangements for self-revision.
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句子是语言的使用单位。句子由词或短语组成。一个句子表示一个相对完整的意思,能够完成一次简单的交际任务。由两个或两个以上的单 The sentence is the unit of use of th