2001年11月22日,第十六届“世界客属恳亲大会”在 我国福建省龙岩市隆重开幕。这一天,在被誉为全球 建筑奇观的永定民居土楼的“振成楼”内,由我国著 名指挥家郑小瑛教授率领的厦门爱乐乐团,为来自全球各地的三千多名客家亲属首演了由作曲刘湲以客家文化历史为题材创作的交响诗篇——《土楼回响》。这部作品以其浓郁的客家风韵与文化气质、深邃的情感内涵与磅礴的气势深深地打动和震撼着来自全球的客家亲属,引发了所有客家儿女强烈的情感
On November 22, 2001, the 16th “World Hakka Intimate Assembly” was grandly opened in Longyan City, Fujian Province, China. On this day, the Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra led by Professor Zheng Xiaoying, a famous conductor in our country, won the honor of being the premier building for more than 3,000 Hakka families from all over the world. A Symphonic Psalm Written by Composer Liu Xie with Hakka Culture History as Its Subject - “Earthen Echo”. With its strong Hakka charm and cultural temperament, profound emotional connotation and majestic momentum, this work deeply touched and shook the Hakkar relatives from all over the world and triggered strong feelings of all Hakka children