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引言吸果夜蛾是柑桔的主要害虫之一,前期为害造成落果,后期为害造成落果和贮运期果实的腐烂,早熟品种受害尤甚。吸果夜蛾种类多,发生规律、取食为害及生活习性各异,幼虫分散在果园内外杂草上,成虫飞翔力强,活动范围广。在防治上,目前多采用果实套纸袋;发展迟熟品种;在果园附近铲除木防已、汉防已等中间寄主;在害虫盛发期采取夜晚人工捕杀;用香茅油或设置黄色荧光灯对害虫进行拒避;等等。这些防治方法花工大,成本高,效果不很理想。迄今 Introduction Musculostella is one of the major pests of citrus, causing damage in the early stage and decaying in the late stage due to fruit decay and storage. The precocious variety is particularly affected. Many species of louse, law of occurrence, feeding damage and different habits, larvae scattered in the orchard weeds, adults fly strong, wide range of activities. In the prevention and control, the current use of fruit sets of paper bags; the development of late-maturing varieties; in the vicinity of the orchard to eradicate wood defense has been, such as Han defense has been the middle of the host; pest burst during the night to take artificial kill; with citronella oil or set yellow fluorescent pair Insect repellent; and so on. These control methods flower large, high cost, the effect is not very satisfactory. so far
Based on the extended homogeneous capacity high precision integration method and the spectrum method of virtual boundary with a complex radius vector, a novel s
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美国佛罗里达大学粮农科学研究所利用原生质体融合技术把甜橙(Citrus sinensis)与Severinia disticha(一种通常称为菲律宾黄杨桔的近缘柑桔)杂交。杂种后代具有Severinia的
从古老的音乐文物中我们可以聆听到远古文明渐行渐近的足音,中华文明鲜活而富生命力的形象,给我们的心灵带来震撼和感动。 From the ancient musical relics, we can hear t
我区菟丝子(Cuscuta chinenis Lum)主要分布在气候温暖、多雨或有灌溉条件的地区。主要为害豆类、亚麻、马铃薯、沙打旺和苜蓿等双子叶作物与牧草,其中以亚麻受害较重。一般