温州化解地区性金融风险的做法及启示,Practice and Enlightenment of Wenzhou on Dissolving Regional Financial Risks

来源 :重庆理工大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dilon1120
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2012年以来,温州正规金融体系风险不断暴露,暴露过程持续时间长、规模大,风险沿企业担保链蔓延,处置难度大。相关部门采取了一系列措施,如建立政府主导的风险处置协调机制,对风险企业进行差异化帮扶或处置;大力推动不良贷款核销,强化风险处置的司法保障,维护金融生态环境。这些措施取得了一些成效,但也存在不足,例如损失共担机制未有效建立,实质性债务重组尚未启动,风险处置受到不少政策和体制制约,打击“逃废债”的力度仍显不够。尽管如此,温州做法仍是一次有益探索,对化解和防范地区性金融风险具有重要启示。","Since 2012,the formal financial system in Wenzhou risk has been exposing,and the expo-sure has long duration,and is large scale and its risk is spreading along the chain of enterprise guar-antee and has difficult in disposal.Related departments adopted a series of measures,such as to es-tablish a govement-led risk management coordination mechanism,to have differentiation support or to disposition of the enterprise risk,to push non-performing loans cancel after verification,to strength-en the risk management of the judicial protection,to maintain financial ecological environment and so on.These above measures made some achievements,but there is also insufficient,such as that the loss sharing mechanism is not effective to establish,and the substantial debt restructuring has not yet been launched,the risk management is restricted by many policy and institutional,and the magnitude of the blow “enforcement”is still not enough.However,practice in Wenzhou is still a useful explora-tion,which has important enlightenment to resolve and prevent regional financial risks.
【摘要】学生被动学习的现象普遍性存在着,表现在语文课程的学习上则是读、写、听、说等语文能力培养的全面缺失。分析“语文研究性学习”提出的复杂背景,可以为学习方式的转型找到理论支点,进而发现:倡导研究性学习,对于进一步深化语文教学改革具有战略性意义。  【关键词】语文研究性学习;人性中心课程论;认知学习理论;建构主义    1.“语文研究性学习”提出的现实背景  “语文研究性学习”是指语文教学内部的研
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