3.浪漫乐派(Romantic 1820-1900年)主要代表人物:舒伯特、肖邦、门德尔松、约翰·斯特劳斯一般来说,人们习惯于把雨果的《克伦威尔序曲》称为浪漫主义纲领,但浪漫乐派的作曲家并不曾提出过什么纲领,很少结成志同道合的创作群体。但音乐中的古典主义与浪漫主义都存在着既相反对又相连贯的情况。例如,在巴罗克音乐的繁荣时期,斯塔米茨的严谨工
3. Romanticism (Romantic 1820-1900) Main Representatives: Schubert, Chopin, Mendelssohn, John Strauss In general, people are accustomed to Hugo’s “Cromwell Overture” Known as the romantic program, the composers of romantic music did not come up with any program and seldom formed like-minded creative groups. However, both classicism and romanticism in music have opposite and coherent situations. For example, Stamit’s rigorous work during the boom of Baroque music