改革开放以来的十五年,日喀则地区的体育事业发生了显著变化,源远流长的民族民间传统体育得以继承和发扬光大,节假日群众性体育活动丰富多彩,学校体育逐渐发展,登山事业迅速崛起。 一、民族民间传统体育活动的继承和发扬光大 跑马射箭作为藏民族的一项传统体育内容,在日喀则地区十分盛行,它起源于江孜,已有五百多年的历史,尤以谢通门县为突出。 在西藏自治区成立二十周年(1985年)之际,出类拔萃的谢通门县马术队被邀请到地区作表演。20匹精壮的骏马,每匹马上骑着一位强悍骁勇的年轻人,意气风发地进行跑马射箭。他们的精彩表演,博
In the 15 years since the reform and opening up, there has been a remarkable change in the sports undertakings in Shigatse. The long history of traditional folk and traditional folk sports has been inherited and carried forward. The mass sports activities during the holidays are rich and colorful, and school sports are gradually developing. The cause of mountaineering has rapidly risen. I. Inheritance and Development of Traditional Folk Sports As a traditional sports content of Tibetan nationality, it is very popular in Shigatse. It originated in Gyantse and has a history of more than 500 years. Especially Xiemengmen County is the prominent. At the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of the Tibet Autonomous Region (1985), the elite Xietongmen County equestrian team was invited to perform in the area. 20 stout horses, each riding a mighty brave young man, spirited horse racing archery. Their wonderful performance, Bo