thermal-protective coating of Cement concrete pavement

来源 :城市建设理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qjw335471690
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  Abstract:Research shows that calcination sinteredbauxite has an insulating performance..In the same light condition,it turns out that calcination sinteredbauxite has an insulating effect,the temperature of the cement decreases in the hot summer.
  Key words:sinteredbauxite;thermal-protective coating; decrease temperature; thermistors
  1 Introduction
  With the development of cement concrete construction technology, concrete pavement is widely used in highway, city road and airport at present.Cement concrete road surface is made of a certain thickness of concrete panel, it has the nature of the heat bilges and cold shrink.In one day, the temperature begins to rise at daytime, the temperature of the top of the comcrete is higher than the bottom,which causes the middle of the panel uplift.While the temperature begins to drop at night , the temperature of the top of the comcrete is lower than the bottom,which makes the bound of the panel uplift.The deformation will be restrained by frictional resistance and cohesion between panel and foundation,aslo the weight of the board and wheel load and so on.The cement concrete panel will destroyed because of big stress.
  Bauxites is a kind ofmineral,its main ingredients is alumina containing impurities of the first of alumina .Clinker is ashen yellow and dark grey,it is widely used in high aluminum refractory high temperature resistant materials ,the thermal bauxites is good, the rate of sunshine is low.This article proves that adding a store bauxite insulating layer can have a significant on pavment through experiment.
  2 Contrast surface temperature of raw materials
  Take two of the same volume containers and fill them with the same volume, the same size bauxites and ordinary stone respectively.Gather the two kinds of material surface temperature every 10 minutes by data collector and show in figure 1. The result turns out that the temperature rate of bauxite changes slower than ordinary stone.
  figure 1material temperature range chart
  Make two specimens and the size of the specimens are both for mould 30 cm * 30 cm x 10 cm.I set up thermal resistors at thickness 8cm.Under the condition of the same layer thickness,the experiment tests the temperature relationshipbetween the thermal insulation layer and ordinary cement concrete. The temperature change shows Figure 2
  Figure 2temperature contrast curve
  From the above form data and contrast curve ,the temperature of adding bauxites thermal insulation layer is lower than normal temperature range cement concrete board at 8 cm.
  According to the experiment, I can be sure that the temperature of pavement can be droped by adding bauxite insulating layer.
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  [2]ShaAiMin, HuLiQun. Semi-rigid base material structure characteristics. China journal of highway
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