Hyperlipidemia looks mild - the patient has little or no sense of discomfort, but it is one of the most ferocious enemies of human health. Because, hyperlipidemia long-term untreated, can lead to severe atherosclerosis, hypertension, cerebrovascular disease and cardiovascular disease. Some people call it a precursor or a hotbed of the above diseases. Many ways to prevent and treat hyperlipidemia, mainly by taking drugs, diet control, moderate exercise and pay attention to mental health and other comprehensive measures. Practice has proved that diet control is the most basic prevention and treatment measures of this disease. So it was suggested that the prevention and treatment of hyperlipidemia at the table. Increase meal times, pay attention to dinner: According to the study, the longer the fasting time, resulting in the body fat accumulation may be greater. Therefore, if conditions permit, daily meals will be changed from 2-3 times to 4-5 times is appropriate, each should not be more. Dinner, such as eating too late, excess nutrients, will help cholesterol