综述了发射大型运载火箭推进剂作业卫勤保障主要任务、保障重点、卫勤力量的分配、卫勤保障的组织和实施进展。并讨论了卫星发射场推进剂安全监测方法,液体推进剂的3 级卫生防护措施,液体推进剂中肼类推进剂的急性、亚急性、慢性毒性及对中枢神经、血液、循环、消化、呼吸、免疫、肝脏、肾脏、皮肤、眼等器官系统的毒理学和遗传毒理学。概述了对液体推进剂中毒的临床分型、中毒救治的一般原则和一般救治方法及肼类和四氧化二氮中毒的预防救治等。
In this paper, the main tasks, main points of protection, the distribution of medical service and the organization and implementation of medical support for launching large launch vehicle propellant are summarized. And discussed the satellite launch site propellant safety monitoring methods, liquid propellant level 3 health protection measures, liquid propellant hydrazine propellant in acute, subacute, chronic toxicity and the central nervous system, blood, circulation, digestion, breathing , Immunology, Toxicology and Genotoxicology of Organ Systems such as Liver, Kidneys, Skin, Eyes and the like. Summarized the clinical classification of liquid propellant poisoning, the general principles of poisoning treatment and general treatment methods and prevention and treatment of hydrazine and nitrous oxide poisoning.