实验室信息系统(LaboratoryInformationSys tem,LIS)是医院管理信息系统(HospitalInforma tionSystem,HIS)的一个重要部分。它可以充分发挥各种自动化仪器快速、准确的优势,缓解自动化仪器测定的高速度与手工报告结果的低效率之间的矛盾。因此受到了检验、临床和信息科室的普遍
The Laboratory Information System (LIS) is an important part of the Hospital Management Information System (HIS). It can give full play to the rapid and accurate advantages of various automated instruments and ease the contradiction between the high speed of automated instrument determination and the inefficiency of manual report results. It has therefore been tested in clinical and informational departments in general