在干线飞机发展进程中,先进的科学技术一直扮演着领航员的角色。20世纪波音推出的最后一款干线飞机——波音777,在它的设计中,数字化登堂入室,用“无纸化”设计代替了传统的设计图纸。正如777设计师威里弗所说:“我们要把这架飞机的各个部件的设计全部电脑化,用三维空间的实物模型代替平面的制造图纸,然后在电脑上预组合……”因此,波音777飞机的设计,没有一张设计图纸,西雅图波音总部有1700台计算机被连结到由4台 IBM计算机构成的世界最大的终端设备上。
In the development of mainline aircraft, advanced science and technology have always played the role of pilot. The last of the 20th century Boeing launch of the main line aircraft - the Boeing 777, in its design, digital debut, with “paperless ” design to replace the traditional design drawings. As 777 designer Will River said: “We have to computerize the design of the various components of the aircraft, replace the planar manufacturing drawings with three-dimensional physical models, and then precompound the computer ...” Boeing 777 aircraft design, without a design drawings, Seattle Boeing headquarters has 1700 computers were connected to the four IBM computers constitute the world's largest terminal equipment.