一切都来得那么突然 ,但仿佛又在意料之中。掌声、鲜花、红地毯……这是一切追求事业成功者所梦寐以求的。郑元忠没想到 ,在他频临知天命之年 ,荣誉的光环又一次罩到了他的头上。公元1998年11月9日 ,温州体育馆内 ,万头攒动 ,温州市改革开放十大风云人物评选活动进入高
Everything came so suddenly, but seems to be expected. Applause, flowers, red carpet ... This is the dream of all those who pursue the cause of success. Zheng Yuanzhong did not expect, in his frequency of fate, the glory of honor once again covered his head. In November 9, 1998, Wenzhou gymnasium, full of action, Wenzhou City, the reform and opening up ten man of character selection activities into the high