一、深圳印刷业的发展 改革开放20年来,深圳从一个落后的小渔村发展成为现代化的大城市,创造了一个世界奇迹。深圳的印刷业,从无到有,己拥有各类印刷企业千余家,包括书刊印刷、包装印刷、报纸印刷、特种印刷等类别。既有一批年产值上亿元的大企业,也有许多经营灵活、效益不错的小企业。利丰雅高、中华商务、唐纳利—旭日等公司已成为国内一流的大型印刷企业,在国内市
I. Development of the Shenzhen Printing Industry Since the reform and opening up 20 years ago, Shenzhen has developed from a backward small fishing village into a modern big city, creating a miracle in the world. Shenzhen’s printing industry, from scratch, has owned more than 1,000 various types of printing companies, including books and periodicals, packaging and printing, newspaper printing, and special printing. There are a large number of large enterprises with an annual output value of more than 100 million yuan, and many small enterprises with flexible operations and good returns. Lifeng Accor, China Business, Donnelly-Sunrise and other companies have become first-class large-scale printing companies in the domestic market.