高清晰度电视(HDTV)最早在国际无线电咨询委员会(CCIR)中定义为2倍水平和垂直分辨率(相对于 PAL、NTSC 等常规电视制式),并采用16:9幅形比。它是继黑白和彩色电视之后的第三代电视。这把一幅电视图像的扫描行数由525行或625行提高到1050行(美国)、1125行(日本)或1250行(西欧),宽高比由4:3改为16:9。与常规电视相比,HDTV 除了在图像分辨率和幅形比上有重大改进外,在信噪比、频谱利用效率等方面都有改进。
High definition television (HDTV) was first defined as twice the horizontal and vertical resolution (relative to PAL, NTSC and other conventional television formats) in the International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR) with a 16: 9 aspect ratio. It is the third generation TV after black and white and color TV. This increased the number of scanned lines of a television picture from 525 lines or 625 lines to 1050 lines (United States), 1125 lines (Japan) or 1250 lines (Western Europe), and the aspect ratio from 4: 3 to 16: 9. Compared with the conventional television, HDTV in addition to significant improvements in image resolution and aspect ratio, there are improvements in signal to noise ratio, spectral efficiency and so on.