The mechanism of enterprise-university-esearch institute binding to promote higher education and pro

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The Mechanism of Enterprise-university-research institute (EUR.I) Binding is a market-oriented strategic alliance as the government and industry associations and intermediary organs for auxiliary forces complement, in which enterprises play the leading role and which combines the efforts of enterprises, universities and research institutes. It is the advanced development of enterprise- university-research institute binding cooperation. The development of technology and social economy continue to offer new challenges for higher education. Under this situation, many universities in Tianjin area actively develop their superiority and cooperate with enterprise and research department, trying their best to explore various enterprise- university-research institute binding ways to quicken the pace of technology innovation and transfer in order to make the school's track wider and wider. According to the situation of Tianjin area, this text introduces the cases of mechanism of enterprise-university- research binding about this area' s universities and comes up with safeguard measures on the base of analyzing other areas' mechanism of enterprise-university-~esearch institute binding, combining with educational economy and management theory.
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