
来源 :农业科学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zheng829
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根据近年来华北各地试验研究和生产实践的结果,证明了小麦密植的优越性,小麦密植的一个主要环节,是缩小行距;因此,本文中所提出的改耧问题,是推行小麦密植当中的一个极其值得重视的问题。在机耕的条件下,已证明7.5厘米(即2.3寸)的窄行机播,可以增产。在木耧的条件下,同样也证明了4.5—5寸的行距,可以显著增产。同时,播种量的多和少,也直接影响着小麦密植的增产效果。过少,则不能充分利用地力;过多,则植株拥挤,失去了窄行匀播的基本精神,有时反会造成减产。但播种量和水地、旱地,土壤肥力高低、耕作栽培技术粗放和精细、品种的特性(特别是种子的大小)有着密切的关系。因此,各地必须根据当地的具体条件,科学地定出播种量,方能达到密植的增产效果。此外,如整地、春耙、施肥、选用良种,防治地下害虫及其他病虫害等等,也是体现小麦密植增产的必要环节。 According to the results of experimental studies and production practices in various places in North China in recent years, the superiority of close planting of wheat is proved. One of the major aspects of close planting of wheat is to reduce the spacing; therefore, the issue of reform proposed in this paper is one of the areas where wheat planting is practiced Extremely worthy of attention Under the condition of tillage, it has been proved that a 7.5 cm (or 2.3 inch) narrow row sowing machine can increase production. Under the conditions of the clogs, also proved that 4.5-5 inch row spacing, can significantly increase production. At the same time, sowing more and less, but also directly affect the yield of wheat close planting effect. If it is too small, it will not be able to make full use of the soil fertility. If it is too large, the plants will be overcrowded and the basic spirit of narrow rowing will be lost. In some cases, it will result in a decrease in yield. However, seeding rate and water, dry land, soil fertility level, cultivation and cultivation techniques extensive and fine, the characteristics of varieties (especially the size of the seeds) are closely related. Therefore, all localities must, according to local specific conditions, scientifically determine the amount of seeding so as to achieve the close planting effect of increasing yield. In addition, such as land preparation, spring raking, fertilization, selection of seeds, prevention and control of underground pests and other pests and diseases, etc., also reflect the necessary part of close planting of wheat.
我们这一组的剪纸过程像高低不平的路一样,曲曲折折。  第一天,我们很苦恼!因为我们才画的完美的草图竟然不见了,只好重新画。  第二天,我们很失望!把好不容易画好的草图交给老师,老师不太满意。我们很不开心!  第三天,我们把修改后的草图交给老师。老师笑了,发给我们一些彩纸。  哇,终于可以开工了!
3月12日 晴  水果王国里有各种各样的水果,有碧绿的西瓜,有黄黄的香蕉,还有红艳艳的草莓。  西瓜是我最爱吃的水果,它穿着碧绿的外衣。样子圆溜溜的,像皮球。轻轻地咬一口,哇,清凉可口。  苏州工业园区文萃小学一(3)班  指导老师:王 平