中共贵州省委 贵州省人民政府关于促进乡镇企业大发展大提高的若干规定

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1992年,省委、省政府作出了《关于加快乡镇企业发展的决定》(省发〔1992〕16号文件)。之后,省委、省政府又提出乡镇企业要坚持大发展、大提高的方针。自1993年以来,我省乡镇企业发展进入了“快车道”。三年来,全省乡镇企业实现了以年均40%速度增长。为了把省委、省政府关于加快乡镇企业发展的一系列部署和要求进一步贯彻落实好,实现本世纪末全省农村稳定解决温饱奔向小康的目标,针对乡镇企业发展中出现的新情况、新问题,结合我省实际,特对促进乡镇企业大发展、大提高的若干问题作如下规定。一、进一步加强领导,把乡镇企业办成“一把手”经济1、要把乡镇企业作为振兴贵州经济的战略重点来 In 1992, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government made the “Decision on Accelerating the Development of Township Enterprises” (Provincial Document No. [1992] No. 16). Afterwards, the provincial party committee and the provincial government also proposed that township enterprises should adhere to the principle of great development and great improvement. Since 1993, the development of township enterprises in our province has entered the “fast lane”. In the past three years, the township and township enterprises in the province have achieved an average annual growth rate of 40%. In order to further implement the series of deployments and requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government on accelerating the development of township and township enterprises, the goal of a stable solution to adequate food and clothing in rural areas across the province by the end of this century is achieved, and new developments and issues arising in the development of township and village enterprises will be addressed. Combining with the actual situation in our province, we will make the following specific provisions for the promotion of the large-scale development and large-scale improvement of township and village enterprises. First, further strengthen leadership and turn township and township enterprises into a “first-in-command” economy. 1. Township and township enterprises should be used as a strategic focal point for revitalizing the Guizhou economy.
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