During the orbit of spacecraft, due to the existence of a variety of moving parts, the structure will produce tiny angular vibration, the tiny angular vibration presents the characteristics of small amplitude and high frequency. The vibration of the small angle will cause the degradation of the quality of optical load imaging . FOG from the composition of the principle of broadband and high sensitivity characteristics, can output the angle of the sampling period incremental, can be used as a small angular vibration measurement unit. However, considering the overall timing of the spacecraft, it is impossible to uniformly sample the optical fiber gyroscope. A spectrum analysis method under non-uniform sampling conditions is proposed. The entire periodic time series obtained through non-uniform sampling is subjected to Fourier transform to obtain the original Signal amplitude and frequency, and then to achieve high-precision detection of small angular vibration. The feasibility of the above method is verified by digital simulation and six degrees of freedom micro-shaking table test, the detection accuracy is better than 0.04 ".