马桑(Coriaria sinica)系马桑科马桑属落叶灌木,多生长于海拔2000米以上的酸、中、碱性土壤或瘠薄泥岩土,喜温湿,耐干旱,也耐寒,适应性很强,是经济效益高、覆盖快的水土保持优良树种。 经济效益 (一)马桑叶养柞蚕。马桑叶人工饲养柞蚕,办法近似养桑蚕。每亩马桑叶可养蚕8张(即70克卵),亩产蚕茧70公斤以上(可取蚕蛹56公斤),蚕沙150公斤以上。按现行最低价,亩产值在500元以上,纯收入400元以上。 (二)马桑叶作肥料。马桑叶每年可采集四次,亩产鲜叶3000公斤以上,作肥料相当于硫酸铵112公斤、过磷酸钙24公斤、硫酸钾21.6公斤。 (三)马桑籽榨油。每100公斤马桑籽可取工业用油19.9公斤。
Coriaria sinica is a deciduous shrub belonging to the family of Coronaria sinica. It grows in acid, medium and alkaline soil or infertile muddy soil more than 2000 meters above sea level. It is warm and humid, drought-resistant and cold tolerant. It is very adaptable , Is a high economic efficiency, rapid coverage of soil and water conservation excellent tree species. Economic Benefits (a) Ma Sanye raising tussah. Artificial mulberry leaf tussah breeding, silkworm approach similar. Silk mulberry leaves can be sericulture 8 per mu (ie 70 grams of eggs), per mu cocoon 70 kg (desirable pupa 56 kg), silkworm excrement more than 150 kg. According to the current lowest price, mu output value of 500 yuan or more, net income of 400 yuan or more. (B) Ma Sanye for fertilizer. Mulberry leaves can be collected four times per year, with more than 3000 kg of fresh leaves per mu, equivalent to 112 kg of ammonium sulphate, 24 kg of superphosphate and 21.6 kg of potassium sulphate. (C) Ma Sang seed oil. Industrial oil per 100 kg of dried mangosteen desirable industrial 19.9 kg.