不久前,笔者收到一封署名阿梅的来信,述及她今年22岁,曾获得过市内“健美小姐”称号,然而近月来她竟然长出了胡须,这使她烦透了。奇怪的是与她一起参加健美学习班的几个姐妹也是这样,长出来的胡须两天不刮就是黑乎乎的一片,令人啼笑皆非。于是,这些爱美女郎又悄悄到处寻觅根治胡须的方法,但收效甚微。阿梅踌躇再三,鼓足勇气给我写来了这封信,询问女性何以长出讨厌的胡须?有何根除良方? 长胡须,本是男人的事,其“导演是男性体内较多的雄激素。正常情况下女性体内也有少量雄激素,对维持女性的生理代谢起着一定作用,但不致于使女性长出胡须来。女子长胡须,就是不正常的现象了。究其根由,是女性体内异常过多的雄激素在作祟。那么,是什
Not long ago, I received a letter from Amending, describing her as 22 years old and having won the title of “bodybuilder” in the city. However, in recent months she had grown beard, which made her bored. It is strange that the same is true for several sisters attending bodybuilding classes with her, and it is ironic that a bearded, bearded man should not be shaved for two days. So, these beauty girl quietly everywhere around looking for a cure for beard, but with little success. Ah Mei hesitate repeatedly, summon the courage to write to me this letter, asking women how to grow nasty beard? What eradicate the prescription? Long beard, this is a man’s thing, the "director is more in the male body Androgens. Under normal circumstances, women also have a small amount of androgens in the body to maintain the physiological metabolism of women play a role, but not to make women grow beard to come .Women bearded, it is not normal. The root cause is Androgen abnormalities in women are causing trouble