彩色的发色,彩色的妆容,彩色的时装,还不够?眼睛也可以是彩色的。不是给眼睛染色,也不是像垫鼻子一样彻底改变自己的外形。只是让沉浸在某种情绪中的你,有一次小小出位的体会,让真实与非真实交错,让自我与“假象”在一片彩色镜片下重叠。当然喜新厌旧的你可以随时让眼睛回复真身。以隐形限镜闻名的美国视康公司,为最不可能变色的部位——眼睛,添加了崭新的色彩,使美丽终于得以全新释放。时尚的 FresnLook 睛彩彩妆隐形限镜推出的“睛彩”、“梦幻”两大
Color hair color, color makeup, color fashion, is not enough? Eyes can also be colored. Not to stain the eyes, nor to completely change their appearance like a pad nose. Just let you immersed in a mood of you, a little out of place experience, so that the real and non-real interlacing, so that self and “illusion ” in a color lens overlap. Of course, you can always get your eyes back to real ones. The United States, as the company known as invisible limit as the company Kang, the most unlikely to change color of the site - eyes, adding a new color, the beauty finally be completely new release. Fashionable FresnLook eye color makeup Invisible Limiter launched “eye color ”, “dream ” two