Once In A Blue Moon Came Too Often This Year

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Once in a blue moon是英语的一个成语,含义是;难得有一次;千载难逢的时期。如:it is only once in a blue moon that you get an opportunity.你居然得到那么好的一个机会,真是千载难逢。据此,本文的标题可译:千载难逢今年易逢。且慢,本文的标题含歧义。其中的 Blue Moon又另具含义,数十年来,西方人将一个月里出现的第二个满月戏称为Blue Moon: …a blue moon as the second full moon in a calendar month. For half a century,it’s been known as the second full moon in a month. 而今年的一月和三月就分别出现过两个满月,据此,本文标题又可译成:罕见的“蓝月亮”今年并不罕见! Blue Moon(蓝月亮)典出何处?出于英国的一家刊物,此刊的名称是Sky &Telescope. 最近,这个沿袭了半个世纪的说法受到了挑战。Sky&Telescope承认该杂志在1946年的一个失误,酿成了一个遗憾。当年,该刊的一篇文章误解了MaineFarmer’s Almanac 对 Blue Moon的解释,所谓 Blue Moon原指 a blue moonoccurs when a season has four full moons,rather than the usual three,而该文却误解为 a blue moon is the second full moon within the same month!以讹传讹,一发而难收。 旧事重提,能改变世人约定俗成的观念吗? 好在 Onc Once in a blue moon is an idiom in English, which means that it is rare; it is a once in a lifetime period. Such as: it is only once once in a blue moon that you get an opportunity. You actually get such a good opportunity, it is really rare. Based on this, the title of this article can be translated: It is never been seen in a year. Slowly, the title of this article is ambiguous. The Blue Moon has another meaning. For decades, Westerners dubbed the second full moon in the month as the Blue Moon: ...a blue moon as the second full moon in a calendar month. For half a century, it’s There have been two full moons in January and March of this year. According to this, the title of this article can be translated as: The rare “Blue Moon” is not uncommon this year! Where does the Blue Moon code come from? A British publication, the name of this issue is Sky & Telescope. Recently, this statement followed for half a century has been challenged. Sky&Telescope acknowledged that one of the magazine’s mistakes in 1946 made it a pity. In that year, an article in the magazine misunderstood that Maine Farmer’s Almanac explained Blue Moon. Blue Moon originally referred to a blue moonoccurs when a season has four full moons, but rather than the usual three, but the article was misunderstood as a blue moon is. The second full moon within the same month! In order to pass on it, it was difficult to accept it. Can the old events be revisited to change the world’s conventional wisdom? Fortunately, Onc
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